Animal Assisted Therapy

We are a social enterprise that has started from the desire to support children who need help to correct language delays, attention deficit, aggression problems, lack of self-confidence, difficulties in managing negative emotions, reading problems, difficulties in interacting with others, overcoming phobias and more. Through activities assisted by animals, especially puppies, various benefits can be obtained that can help you become an integrated and friendly person in the relationship with those around you.

Fabiss Pet Residence Events

Connection and communication with RONA

The social event "Connection and communication together with Rona" took place on May 26, 2022, between 17.00 and 19.00, and 15 children with relationship problems participated.

It was a one-of-a-kind and intriguing experience to have this relationship with Rona, the horse who epitomizes the greatest qualities. Gentle and eager to offer the little ones a journey into the amazing universe of emotions guaranteed by riding.

Following the event, the children learned to have courage, patience, trust, sensitivity, to be responsible and assumed, to believe in themselves but also in those around them, to keep an open mind, and to manage their emotions!

Fabiss Pet Residence, May 26th, 2022 

The fascinating world of dog training!

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On June 1, 2022, at 15:00, a social event was held to experience the beautiful and intriguing world of dog training and see an exciting session with professional trainers Flavius Buru and Dorel Petcu.

Dora the lab, Ryan the husky, and Bruno the Bernese shepherd joined them, together with their human friends Adina, Alexandra, and Dorel, to teach a dog to respect you, listen to you, love you, and sometimes, even without words, comprehend exactly what you want to say to them!

Fabiss Pet Residence, June 1st, 2022

Individual sessions with psychotherapists

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Individual sessions with psychotherapists facilitated interaction and personal development with the pets staying at the resort.

Effective engagement with animals, which sometimes mirrors our own behavior, teaches us more about ourselves and helps us become more integrated, better, more empathic, happier, and more upbeat.

Fabiss Pet Residence, August 13th, 2022

Interplay! FRODO, The Wonder Dog, assists with activities!

Evenimentul din data de 24.09.2022 a fost organizat de FABISS PET RESIDENCE, împreună cu psihoterapeutul Ana - Cristina LUCACI și FRODO - The Wonder Dog, cu participarea copiilor din cadrul Școlii Gimnaziale, din comuna Pădureni.

Frodo is a 5-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog who is extremely social and very fond of children. He was adopted when he was 8 months old, and his training is based on enrichment. He loves hiking, adventure, and new places, which is where he gets his energy, which, of course, he shares with those around him!

The children learned a little about the secrets of animal language, how to properly interact with animals, how to communicate with the dog, as well as about non-aggressive communication both between people and with the dog. The event was attended by 13 children.

Fabiss Pet Residence, September 24th, 2022

Education for the future!

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On June 14, 2023, the Fabiss Pet Residence team hosted the end of the school year together with over 100 students of grades I-VIII, from the Secondary School in Pădureni.
Partenerii acestui eveniment au fost Asociația Timar și Fundația United Way of Romania, afiliate la United Way Worldwide, care, împreună, cu animăluțele cazate la Resortul pentru animale FABISS, au creat o magie a poveștilor cu animăluțe, de la Elmer - elefănțelul, Sylvester - măgărușul, Frederick - șoricelul, Stellaluna - liliacul și fascinantul pește curcubeu, în cadrul Proiectului “Educație pentru viitor”.
Supported by the school teachers but also by volunteers from a number of prestigious multinational companies, the children from Pădureni Secondary School learned, through the ten reading and painting workshops, what it means to be tolerant, generous, and understanding and how important it is to have FAMILY and EDUCATION in their lives.
Fabiss Pet Residence, 14.06.2023

"Magic Hat" with the children of the Carani community center

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On Friday, July 28, 2023, the children from the Carani Community Centre were hosted by Fabiss Pet Residence, where the little ones were able to experience a hands-on lesson on proper care of our friends as well as proper education and healthy interaction between us and them. Thanks to the dream location, the children were able to use their context memory, managing to assimilate the information much more easily.
Who helped us with specialized information in the field?
🐶 Those who took care of providing the relevant information for the development of the children present are some members of the Pieces of Heaven Association, namely, Raluca Elena Ceaușu, together with the puppy Mady and the puppy Zombie. The three of them taught us what care means, respect for private space, and how to approach the animals without them feeling threatened or stressed.
De asemenea, am învățat ce înseamnă sterilizarea, unde găsim programe de sterilizări gratuite, în cazul în care nu ne permitem o astfel de intervenție, câți puiuți pot fi salvați anual de suferințe doar printr-o singură intervenție de sterilizare. Am învățat despre personalitatea pisicilor vs cățeilor, despre jocurile potrivite fiecărei rase în parte.
How did we manage to stay focused?
🐶 Raluca's warm voice and her calm manner gave us a good and cooperative mood. Of course, Mady, along with Zombie, made us stay a team until the end.
We thank all those present at the event, which was carried out as part of the "Magic Hat" project, a project financed by the United Way Romania Foundation and implemented by the Timar Association.
Last but not least, we warmly welcome the presence at the event of Mr. Ștefan Both from the prestigious radio station "Radio Timișoara" and correspondent of the daily newspaper "Adevărul", a man with a big soul and who, through consummate professionalism, captured step by step the entire event at Fabiss Pet Residence. THANK YOU!
Fabiss Pet Residence, 28.07.2023

Săptămâna Altfel la Școala Gimnazială din Pădureni

25.10.2023, a day when Fabiss Pet Residence hosted with joy, emotion and dedication an unforgettable event, organized by the Pădureni Secondary School, during the Otherwise Week. 🥰
Cu ajutorul Teatrului de Animație Andras Party, am avut o zi plină de aventură și magie cu cele mai distractive jocuri, picturi pe față, muzică, păpuși și mascote pentru cei mici. Mickey a fost în mijlocul lor, iar împreună au interpretat melodii vesele despre animale și s-au bucurat de întâlnirea cu personajele din "Cartea Junglei". 🐾🦁🐻🐍🦧
Also, at this special event we were also joined by Dancau Cristian, known for what he does as the Dac Archer, who taught us the correct position, how to put an arrow correctly, how to shoot with professional bows and shared safety and focus rules. More than that, he revealed the secrets to relaxing archery.🏹
We would like to thank Mr. Dorin Ignuța, mayor of Pădureni commune, a leader dedicated and sensitive to the needs of children, but also to Pădureni Middle School, an educational institution with which we are proud to associate and which highlights the importance of education and invests in the future of the children of our town.❤️
We are extremely grateful to Mr. Cătălin Zoican, a perspective teaching staff of the "King Mihai I" University of Life Sciences in Timișoara, as well as a successful entrepreneur, who significantly supported us with the logistics necessary to organize this special event !🎾🛝🥅
And last but not least, we express our gratitude to the press present at the event, namely the publication Observator de Timiș. Our respect and appreciation goes to these professionals who stand with us in furthering our mission. 📰🗞🎥

What can we offer you?


  • Some of the secrets of animal language;
  • About non-aggressive communication between us and in the relationship with animals;
  • How to communicate with animals?
  • How to interact with animals?
  • How to develop our interactions with people surrounding us?
  • How to develop our language and/or correct certain behaviors?
  • How do we influence self-perception, motivation, mental health and well-being?
  • How do we learn more about ourselves from interacting with animals?
  • How to ride a horse?
  • How to feed a horse?
  • How and why do we weave horseshoes? What brushes and tools do we use for proper hygiene?
  • Rules of behavior around the horse;
  • About horse behavior and its benefits in therapy with children;

... și alte lucruri minunate care ne ajută să ne descoperim pe noi înșine, din experiențele pe care le avem cu prietenii noștri, animaluțele. Totul într-un cadru minunat, prietenos, cu multe jucării, plin de veselie și multă voie bună.


Effective interaction with animals, which sometimes mirror our own behavior, helps us to learn more about ourselves, to become integrated, better, more empathetic, happier and full of good cheer.