Fabiss Pet Residence


Explore the place where your pet can be free, pampered and loved when you are away from them. Near Timisoara,
in a 5-star pet hotel, on an area of over 4000 m².

Timisoara, Romania



spații de cazare pentru toate animăluțele

Individual spaces for puppies, cats, parrots, bunnies, guinea pigs, turtles, squirrels, hedgehogs, and fish. We have customized rooms, smaller and larger, depending on everyone's needs. 

Other services

For the clients of the resort, we offer the transport service for puppies, kittens and other pets. 

If you have a sociable puppy, you can bring him to Fabiss at the end of the week to spend dreamy moments with other puppies just like him, all in a friendly, specially designed and safe space.

Through activities assisted by animals, especially dogs, various benefits can be achieved that can help you become an integrated and friendly person in the relationship with those around you.

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